Our overarching objectives are to support, inspire and encourage succeeding generations of medical students to excel as doctors and maintain the college of medicine, university of Ibadan international reputation for excellence in teaching, clinical and academic medicine.
There is an urgent and greater need to support medical students because of post pandemic cost of living crisis. Currently we are funding annual scholarship programmes for 10 indigent medical students and hope to expand the number of scholarships, upgrading and furnishing IMSG pre-clinical library and are involved in other initiatives and infrastructure projects to support and improve the wellbeing and enhance the learning environment of medical students.
Ibadan Medical Specialists Group (IMSG) is a registered charitable organisation (UK Charities Commission number 1090030), established in 1995 by a group of UK-based medical graduates of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan.
IMSG’s objectives centre around the promotion of medical education and research in Ibadan. Its activities reflect these objectives and over the years have included the following:

Since 2005, IMSG has undertaken four fund-raising dinners in the UK on behalf of the College. Each of these events raised an average of £10,000. This has been used for the following projects:

Recent News
The Intrepid IMSG Team Takes on Kilimanjaro for a Cause!7 June 2024/0 Comments
Symposium Cancer & Research & Audit by Residents16 October 2023/
About Us
Executive Commitee
Regulatory authority
UK Charity Commission
Charity Commission Website
Name of Organisation
UK Charity Commission number 1090030
IMSG membership is currently by invitation. However, if you support what we do, share the same interests, and are willing to help, then why not contact us? If you would like to participate directly, please get in touch with a member you know.
You may also wish to support the organisation without being a member. All assistance goes towards the same cause.